Monday, September 20, 2010

Shingles and Stones

Since we were away and did not see the progress for 2 weeks, it seems like there were lots of changes. The shingles are on most of the roof, and inside the framing is started so that the rooms are all taking shape.
The fireplace stone is so nice. This is the view from the back porch and shows all of the work that is done on the back deck framing, too.
Here's the video:


  1. I've got to think of another word of exclamation besides, Wow! And, you'll have plenty of triangle storage :)

  2. In some of the dead space in the bonus room, where the short doors are, have them make built in drawers. It uses the space, but doesn't require you to go into the small space. That's what my Grandfather did to our dormer bedrooms in our house almost 60 years ago. It was a great way to use the space for storage, without having to crawl into a small space.
